Dr. Bourgond's Books

The following books have been authored by Dr. Bourgond.  Both A Rattling of Sabers and Papa's Blessings were written in C.S. Lewis' home in Headington England while a Scholar in Residence. Setting Your Course was written in a cottage on the outskirts of Cong Ireland near Ashford Castle.  A new book entitled Leadership Beef Jerky; Principles and Practices You Can Chew On, also written in Ireland in the Ashford Old School House, will be published in 2018.

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Tired of living in the misty lowlands of mediocrity? Have you forgotten how to soar like an eagle?  Are you seeking a compass that will help you navigate an ever-darkening world?  Lasting transformational change is accomplished from the inside out.  Your central beliefs establish your values, your core values inform your attitudes about life, your perceptual attitude energize your behavior, and your behavior reflects the health of your ‘heart.’  This resource will help you tune your heart to the heart of God and prepare you to live a honorable and noble life of meaningful significance.  Learn how to live a centered life from the inside out.


Every human being longs for the affirmation, acceptance, and esteem of someone who matters to them. Sadly, most of us never hear the words we long to hear-words of appreciation, esteem, recognition, and value.  The importance of blessing is established. eight essential components of a meaningful blessing are identified, multiple examples of blessings are provided, how to administer a blessing is described, the legacy of blessings is explained, and a worksheet for developing and giving a blessing is included.  Learn how to prepare and bestow a blessing for people who matter in your life.

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Living an intentional and focused life in alignment with God's purposes and unique wiring will help you finish well.  To do so you will need a compass, a map, and a guide. The compass explains the importance of orienting your life in accordance with established biblical compass points.  The map defines the trajectory you are to follow based on how God has wired you.  The guide stresses the importance of being mentored and mentoring others.  Guidelines are provided to help you develop a Personal Alignment Plan, a Personal Life Mandate, and a Personal Mentoring Strategy - all of which will inform, condition, and establish your journey forward until God calls you home!

This book is the culmination of decades of leadership practice. The principles and practices contained within represent what i have learned about the practice of leadership in the Navy, defense industry, commercial business, and ministry. I have ide…

This book is the culmination of decades of leadership practice. The principles and practices contained within represent what i have learned about the practice of leadership in the Navy, defense industry, commercial business, and ministry. I have identified and succinctly described what i have personally applied or observed in terms of what works regardless of the work setting. The book is divided into three parts; the Head (8 chapters), the Heart (8 chapters), and the Hand (16 chapters). The compendium presents principles and practices that help organize how you think about leadership and what will and should inform your understanding and practice. When the head and heart align--the beingness of your leadership--than the hand--the doingness of your leadership--produces God-honoring results. I believe the principles and practices described in this guide will help you become a leader after God's heart.