Heart of a Warrior is a ministry dedicated to helping men live lives of integrity and honor under the authority of God. It is committed to developing men after God’s heart so that they bear, in their person, the imprint of His character reflected in all they think, say and do. To this end we are committed to bringing reconciliation between men and God, men and their families, and men and their calling.
Dr. Bourgond had grown weary of men living in the "misty lowlands of mediocrity," abdicating their responsibility to be godly leaders within their sphere of influence, forgetting their identity in Christ, wasting their energies on non-significant activities, and losing their passion for what matters to God. So Heart of a Warrior came to life in 1991 with 15 men in San Diego, California. It was born out of a desire to change the hearts of men from the inside out so that they live lives that bring glory and honor to God.
Heart of a Warrior DNA
As President and Founder of Heart of a Warrior Ministries, Dr. Greg Bourgond, has taught in graduate / post-graduate schools and ministry organizations, and has spoken and preached in many churches and ministry contexts around the world. He is also the author of many award winning books. He has been happily married for 52 years and enjoys time with his grandchildren every chance he gets.
His previous experience includes ten years in the defense industry and commercial business, and over twenty years in various ministry positions. He also completed twenty-nine years of active and reserve duty in enlisted and officer ranks in the U.S. Navy. He has received degrees from Chapman University (AA/BA), Bethel Seminary (MDiv, DMin) and Nova Southeastern University (EdD). He has also completed post graduate work at Harvard University. He has twice been C.S. Lewis Visiting Scholar-in-Residence at the Kilns in Headington England. Dr. B’ is also an adjunct professor for University of Northwestern.
Personal Life Mandate
Personal bio
Salvation through Christ is the only hope for wholeness.
Real faith is beliefs in action.
We are called to the high road.
A life of godliness is not an option.
Christlikeness is our primary objective.
Removal and replacement is essential for lasting change.
We are to fulfill God’s purposes for us.
Kingdom service is mandatory.
Dr. Greg Bourgond (Chair)
Mark Bierle (Vice Chair)
Bret Gapp (Treasurer)
Mike Metkowski (Secretary)
Jon Ochs
Mike Johnson
Jim Rowell
Blake Trantham
Rob Johnson